Posts tagged miscarriage
Sabbath Rest - August

“To lay down all the things that make me anxious, sad, frustrated, angry, or afraid. The things I cannot control. The things that grip my heart and steal away my peace. To lay these at the feet of Jesus in exchange for rest. The kind of rest that actually heals.“

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Grief, Miscarriage and Mother's Day.

When your heart is aching. When you can't understand. When you don't feel honored or okay. When you can't fall asleep, think straight or settle your stomach. -

Please, please remember:
You are enough, just the way you are, grief and all.

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Meet Amy, Your Atlanta Birth Doula.

But vulnerability is a beautiful thing. It's out of this place (of vulnerability) that community happens. This is where we find those we cherish and love. This is where we gain our supporters, our family and our tribe- the people who will cheer us on.

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